FCA: DP23/2: Updating and improving the UK regime for asset management - 22 May
FCA: DP23/1 Finance for positive sustainable change: governance, incentives and competence in regulated firms - 10 May
Financial Reporting Council: FRED 82 Draft amendments to FRS 102 The Financial Reporting Standard applicable in the UK and Republic of Ireland and other FRSs – Periodic Review - 30 April
HM Treasury: Future financial services regulatory regime for cryptoassets - 30 April
Treasury Committee: The Edinburgh Reforms Inquiry - 28 April
FCA: FCA Wholesale Data Market Study: Benchmarks, Credit Ratings Data and Market Data Vendors - 30 March
DWP: Value for Money: A framework on metrics, standards, and disclosures - 27 March
ESMA: EMIR 3.0 - ESMA Request for Comment - 21 March
The Labour Party: National Policy Forum Consultation - 17 March
FCA: DP22/6: Future Disclosure Framework - 7 March
HM Treasury: Call for Evidence - Short Selling Regulation Review - 5 March
HM Treasury: PRIIPs and UK Retail Disclosure - 3 March
FRC: Competition Policy Paper - 28 February
FCA: CP22/24 - Broadening access to financial advice for mainstream investments - 28 February
Transition Plan Taskforce (TPT): Transition Plan Taskforce - Disclosure Framework and Implementation Guide - 28 February
ESMA: ESMA consultation on Guidelines on funds’ names using ESG or sustainability-related terms - 20 February
FRC: Consultation on Audit Committee Standard - 8 February
FCA: DP22/4 Artificial Intelligence - 5 February
HMT & HMRC: Consultation on VAT treatment of fund management services - 3 February
HMT: VAT treatment of fund management - 3 February
FCA: CP22/20 - Sustainability Disclosure Requirements (SDR) and investment labels - 25 January
FCA: DP22/5: The potential competition impacts of Big Tech entry and expansion in retail financial services - 15 January
JMLSG: JMLSG Guidance Part II - 13 January
FCA: CP22/18: Guidance on the trading venue perimeter - 25 November
BEIS: Net Zero Review: Call for evidence - 27 October
FRC: Funding the Audit, Reporting and Governance Authority - Consultation on the Financial Reporting Council proposals - 21 October
FCA: Broadening retail access to the long-term asset fund - 10 October
DCMS: Consultation on the English portion of dormant assets funding - 9 October
FCA: CP22/12 Improving Equity Secondary Markets - 16 September
Treasury Committee: Inquiry into the crypto-asset industry - 12 September
Global Impact Investing Network: Guidance for the Listed Equities Working Group - 12 September
FCA: CP22/11 Winding down 'synthetic' sterling LIBOR and US dollar LIBOR - 24 August
FCA: Winding down 'synthetic' sterling LIBOR and US dollar LIBOR - 24 August
FRC: Firm-level Audit Quality Indicators - 18 August
ISSB: IFRS S2 Climate-related Disclosures - 29 July
ISSB: IFRS S1 General Requirements for Disclosure of Sustainability-related Financial Information - 29 July
FCA: DP22/2: Primary Markets Effectiveness Review: Feedback to the discussion of the purpose of the listing regime and further discussion - 28 July
FCA: DP22/1 Resilience of Money Market Funds - 23 July
HM Treasury: Review of Solvency II - 21 July
HRMC: Expanding the Investment Transactions List for the Investment Management Exemption and other fund tax regimes - 18 July
Transition Plan Taskforce (TPT): A Sector-Neutral Framework for Private Sector Transition Plans - 13 July
IOSCO: Exchange Traded Funds – Good Practices for Consideration - 6 July
Environmental Audit Committee: The financial sector and the UK’s net zero transition - 30 June
European Commission: Withholding taxes – new EU system to avoid double taxation - 26 June
BEIS, HMT and DEFRA: Update to Green Finance Strategy: call for evidence - 22 June
DCMS: Online Advertising Programme consultation - 8 June
FRC: Proposed Public Interest Entity Auditor Registration Regulations - 26 May
FCA: CP22/8: protecting investors in authorised funds following the Russian invasion of Ukraine - 16 May
European Commission: Targeted consultation on the functioning of the money market fund regulation - 13 May
DWP: Facilitating investment in illiquid assets - 11 May
House of Commons: Accelerating the transition from fossil fuels and securing energy supplies - 6 May
ESMA: ESMA’s Opinion on the trading venue perimeter - 29 April
House of Commons: Call for evidence - Fraud Act 2006 Committee - 22 April
OECD: OECD Pillar Two – Implementation Framework - 11 March
DCMS: Proposal for legislation to improve the UK’s cyber resilience - 10 April
EU Commission: Proposed directive amendments to prevent the misuse of shell entities for tax purposes - 6 March
HMT: HM Treasury Pillar Two implementation - 4 April
IFRS: IASB Supplier Finance Arrangements - 28 March
FCA: CP22/2: Strengthening our financial promotion rules for high risk investments, including cryptoassets - 23 March
DCMS: Embedding standards and pathways across the cyber profession by 2025 - 20 March
IOSCO: IOSCO consultation report - Operational resilience of trading venues and market intermediaries during the COVID-19 pandemic - 14 March
HMT: Consultation on financial promotion exemptions for high net worth individuals and sophisticated investors - 9 March
FCA: FCA DP21/5: Compensation Framework Review - 4 March
HMT: The Appointed Representatives Regime: Call for Evidence - 3 March
FCA: Improving the Appointed Representatives regime - 3 March
FCA/BoE: EMIR Refit – “Changes to reporting requirements, procedures for data quality and registration of Trade Repositories under UK EMIR” - 17 February
FCA: A new Consumer Duty, feedback to CP21/13 and further consultation - 15 February
HMT: Future Regulatory Framework (FRF) Review: Proposals for Reform - 9 February
HMRC: HMRC Tax Treaty Network Review - 4 February
DWP: Consultation on enabling investment in productive finance - 18 January
FCA: DP21/4 Sustainable Disclosure Requirements (SDR) and investment labels - 7 January
DWP: Climate and investment reporting: setting expectations and empowering savers - 6 January
ESAs: Call for evidence on the European Commission mandate regarding the PRIIPs Regulation - 16 December
TPR: DP21/3: Driving value for money in defined contribution pensions - 10 December
FCA: CP21/24: Diversity and Inclusion on Company Boards and Executive Committees - 20 October
FCA: CP21/29: Proposed decisions on the use of LIBOR (Articles 23C and 21A BMR) - 20 October
DLUHC: Consultation on the Building Safety Levy - 15 October
HMT: Call for Evidence: Review of the UK’s AML/CTF regulatory and supervisory regime - 14 October
HMT: Amendments to the Money Laundering, Terrorist Financing and Transfer of Funds (Information on the Payer) Regulations 2017 Statutory Instrument 2022 - 14 October
EU Commission: Debt Equity Bias Reduction Allowance - 7 October
FCA: CP21/23: PRIIPs - Proposed scope rules and amendments to Regulatory Technical Standards - 30 September
HMT: UK Prospectus Regime: a consultation - 24 September
FCA: CP21/16: A new UK prudential regime for MiFID investment firms - 17 September
FCA: CP21/18: Enhancing climate-related disclosures by standard listed companies and seeking views on ESG topics in capital markets - 10 September
FCA: CP21/17: Enhancing climate-related disclosures by asset managers, life insurers, and FCA-regulated pension providers - 10 September
FCA: CP21/13: A new Consumer Duty - 31 July
IFRS: Amendments to the IFRS Foundation Constitution to Accommodate an International Sustainability Standards Board - 28 July
BEIS: Restoring trust in audit and corporate governance: proposals on reforms - 8 July
BoE: Options for greening the Bank of England’s Corporate Bond Purchase Scheme (discussion paper) - 2 July
FCA: CP21/12: A new authorised fund regime for investing in long term assets - 25 June
FCA: CP21/7: A new UK prudential regime for MiFID investment firms - 28 May
FCA: CP21/10: Investor protection measures for special purpose acquisition companies: Proposed changes to the Listing Rules - 28 May
BEIS: Mandatory climate-related financial disclosures by publicly quoted companies, large private companies and LLPs - 5 May
HMT: Review of the UK funds regime: a call for input - 20 April
DWP: Incorporating performance fees within the charge cap - 16 April
HMT: UK regulatory approach to cryptoassets and stablecoins: consultation and call for evidence - 21 March
EBA: Draft Guidelines on sound remuneration policies under Directive (EU) 2019/2034 - 17 March
BoE: Working Group on Sterling Risk-Free Reference Rates consultation on successor rate to GBP LIBOR in legacy bonds referencing GBP LIBOR - 15 March
DWP: Taking action on climate risk: improving governance and reporting by occupational pension schemes - 12 March
HMT: HMT Financial Services Future Regulatory Framework Review Phase II Consultation - 14 February
FCA: CP20/24 A new UK prudential regime for MiFID investment firms - 5 February
FRC: Future of Corporate Reporting Discussion Paper - 3 February
BoE: Active transition of GBP LIBOR referencing bonds - 3 February
BEIS: Corporate transparency and register reform: improving the quality and value of financial information on the UK companies register - 3 February
EU Commission: Review of regulation on improving securities settlement in the European Union and on Central Securities Depositories - 3 February
EU Commission: Consultation on the AIFMD Review - 29 January
FCA: Benchmarks Regulation: our proposed new powers, policy and decision-making - 18 January
IFRS: Consultation paper and comment letters: Sustainability Reporting - 4 January
IFRS Foundation: Sustainability Reporting Consultation - 23 December
Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy: National Security& Investment Bill: Mandatory Notification Regime - 22 December
HMRC: ISAs and Authorised Open-Ended Property - IA/AREF Joint Response - 11 December
Basel Committee on Banking Supervision: Principles for Operational Resilience - 6 November
FCA: CP 20/15 Liquidity mismatch in authorised open-ended property funds - 3 November
DWP: Improving outcomes for DC pension scheme members - 29 October
IOSCO: Use of AI & ML by asset managers - 26 October
HMT: Consultation on a new Economic Crime Levy - 13 October
IOSCO: Principles on Outsourcing - 1 October
FCA: CP20/3 Proposals to enhance climate related disclosures by listed issuers - 1 October
FCA: Guidance on Vulnerable Customers - 30 September
FCA: DP20/02 - A new UK prudential regime for MiFID investment firms - 25 September
FCA: Open Finance - 25 September
IIGCC: Net Zero Investment Framework - 25 September
FCA: CP20/09 - Driving value for money in pensions - 24 September
FCA: Operational Resilience - 24 September
Response to EBA consultations on the new Prudential Regime for Investment Firms - 4 September
- Final response to EBA/CP/2020/06
- Final response to EBA/CP/2020/07
- Final response to EBA/CP/2020/08
- Final response to EBA/CP/2020/09
ESAs: Joint Consultation on ESG Disclosure - 1 September
ESMA: Harmonisation of Leverage Limits under Article 25 AIFMD - 1 September
European Commission CP: AML Action Plan - 25 August
DWP: Call for evidence on the review of the DC default fund charge cap and standardised cost disclosure - 20 August
HMT: Consultation on updating the UK’s Prudential Regime before the end of the Transition Period - 19 August
EU CP: Renewed Sustainable Finance Strategy - 15 July
DCMS: Expansion of the dormant assets scheme
EC consultation on amendments to MiFID, UCITS & AIFMD Draft Delegated Acts- 6 July
- Amendments to Delegated Regulation (EU) No 2312013- AIFMD
- Amendments to the Delegated Regulation (EU) 2017_565
- Amendments to the Delegated Directive (EU) 2017_593
- Amendments to Directive 201043EU- UCITS
DWP Consultation: Aligning your pension scheme with TCFD - 2 July
EU CP: Non-Financial Reporting Directive - 11 June 2020
HMT: A Consultation on the Reform to Retail Prices Index Methodology - 15 May
OECD: BEPS Action 13 – Country by Country Reporting (CbCR) - 6 March
HMRC CP: Broadening Application of 5MLD to Trusts - 21 Feb
Representation for Spring Budget 2020 - 7 Feb
Standardisation of Reject Codes in FX Trading - 5 Feb
ESAs Joint Consultation Paper concerning amendments to the PRIIP KID - 13 Jan
ESMA CP: MAR review - 29 November
FCA CP19/27: Quarterly Consultation Paper no 25 Chapter 3 COLL - 1 November
ESMA Consultation: Guidelines on performance fees in UCITS - 31 October
FCA CP19/25: Pension transfer advice: contingent charging and other proposed changes - 29 October
HMT Call for Evidence: Regulatory Coordination - 25 October
FCA FS19/5: Effective competition in non-workplace pensions - 8 October
FCA GC19/3: Fair treatment of vulnerable customers - 4 October
Risk Coalition Consultation: Principles and guidance for board risk committees and risk functions - 4 October
BEIS initial consultation on the CMA recommendations for the statutory audit market - 12 September
ESMA Call for Evidence: Impact of the inducements and costs and charges disclosure requirements under MiFID II - 6 September
DWP consultation on delivering the CMA recommendations for trustee oversight of investment consultants and fiduciary managers - 2 September
FCA Call for Evidence: Cross-Sector Sandbox - 30 August
ESMA Consultation: Guidelines for trade reporting under SFTR - 29 July
ICSA review of the effectiveness of independent board evaluation in the UK listed sector - 15 July
FCA CP19/15: Independent Governance Committees: extension of remit - 15 July
FCA CP19/12: Consultation on Investment Platforms Market Study remedies - 13 June
Independent review of the FRC: initial consultation on recommendations - 11 June
HMT consultation: Implementing the Fifth Money Laundering Directive (5MLD) - 10 June
Independent review into the quality and effectiveness of audit - 31 May
FCA/FRC DP19/1: Building a regulatory framework for effective stewardship - 31 April
FCA CP19/05: Retirement Outcomes Review - 5 April
FRC consultation: New Stewardship Code - 29 March
DWP consultation: Investment innovation in Defined Contribution pensions - 28 March
FCA CP19/7: Implementing parts of SRD II in the UK - 27 March
FCA DP18/10: Patient capital and authorised funds - 28 February
FCA CP18/40: Changes permitted links rules for unit-linked funds - 28 February
ESMA consultation: MMFR regulatory reporting guidelines - 14 February
BEIS Select Committee Inquiry into the future of audit - 11 January
- CMA investment consulting and fiduciary management market investigation: Response to Issues Statement - 12 October
- FCA CP17/18: Consultation on implementing market study remedies - 28 September
- FCA Retirement Outcomes Review Interim Report - 15 September
- FCA Investment Platforms Market Study: Response to Terms of Reference - 8 September
- DWP Review: Automatic enrolment - 22 March
- HMRC Consultation: VAT Grouping - 27 February
- FCA Asset Management Market Study: Response to Interim Report - 20 February
- BEIS Green Paper: Corporate Governance Reform - 17 January
- FCA Paper: Our Future Mission - 30 January
- FCA DP16/4: Overall responsibility and the legal function - 6 January
- ESMA Consultation: MiFID II Product Governance / Target Market draft guidelines - 5 January
- FCA CP16/30: Transaction cost disclosure - 4 January
- ESMA consultation: RTS/ITS for trade reporting under the Securities Financing Transactions Regulation - 2 December
- PIOB Consultation: 2017-2019 Strategy - 23 November
- Commission Consultation: Barriers to cross-border fund distribution - 9 October
- FCA CP16/18: Changes to disclosure rules in the FCA handbook to reflect the direct application of the PRIIPs regulation - 19 September
- DfE Consultation: Apprenticeship Funding Proposals - 5 September
- HMT consultation: Reform of substantial shareholdings exemption - 18 August
- HMT and HMRC consultation: Tax deductibility of corporate interest expense - 4 August
- FCA consultation: UCITS V Level 2, SFTR and consequential changes to the Handbook - 20 July
- HMRC consultation: Corporate criminal offence of failure to prevent criminal facilitation of tax evasion - 11 July
- ESMA Discussion Paper: UCITS Share Classes - 6 June
- Home Office Consultation: Action plan for anti-money laundering - 2 June
- HMT Review: AML/CFT Supervision - 2 June
- IAASB: Enhancing audit quality in the public interest - 25 May
- OECD discussion draft on treaty residence of pension funds - 5 April
- ESMA Consultation: Transaction reporting, reference data, record-keeping and clock synchronisation under MiFIR - 24 March
- IA letter: EU Commission on liquidity calibration methodology in MiFID II - 24 March
- EC Green Paper: Retail financial services - 18 March
- HMT Consultation: National Infrastructure Commission - 17 March
- EU Commission on the use of ISIN as an instrument identifier for OTC derivatives under MiFIR/D II - 14 March
- Simple, Transparent and Standardised (STS) securitisation: Joint paper - 3 March
- LGPS Consultation: Revoking and replacing the LGPS (Management and Investment of Funds) Regulations 2009 - 19 February
- FCA CP15/38: Delaying disclosure of inside information - 19 February
- Money Advice Service consultation: 2016/17 Business Plan - 18 February
- FCA CP15/35: Implementing the Market Abuse Regulation - 4 February
- FCA CP15/42: Quarterly Consultation Chapters 2, 4 & 6 - 4 February
- ESA Discussion Paper: PRIIP KID - 1 February
- EU Commission: Call for Evidence - EU regulatory framework for financial services - 29 January
- ESA consultation: PRIIPs - 29 January
- EBA consultation: Risk Based Supervision Guidelines - 22 January
- EBA consultation: Risk Factor Guidelines - 22 January
- HMT consultation: Tax deductibility of interest expense - 14 January
- EC consultation: Common Consolidated Corporate Tax Base (CCCTB) - 8 January
- European Commission Review of EuVECA and EuSEF Regulations - 7 January
- Financial Advice Market Review (FAMR) - 22 December
- FCA Asset Management Market Study Terms of Reference - 18 December
- IASB Request for Views: 2015 Agenda Consultation - 17 December
- FRC Consultation: Enhancing Confidence in Audit - Proposed Revisions to the Ethical Standard, Auditing Standards, UK Corporate Governance Code and Guidance on Audit Committees - 17 December
- BIS Consultation: Technical Amendments - 11 December
- FCA CP15/27: Part III Chapters 7 & 8 - 7 December
- FCA Consultation: Removing the requirement to produce Short Reports - 2 December
- IFRS Foundation: Trustees' Review of Structure and Effectiveness - 30 November
- IASB ED on the Conceptual Framework - 24 November
- LEI Regulatory Oversight Committee: Consultation on collecting parent entity data - 16 November
- FCA CP15/27: Part 1 - UCITS V Implementation - 9 November
- ESMA consultation: Draft RTS for ELTIF Regulation - 19 October
- IOSCO consultative report: Harmonisation of key OTC derivatives data elements other than UTI and UPI - 9 October
- HMRC consultation: Tackling offshore tax evasion - 8 October
- FCA CP15/27: Part II - ELTIF Implementation - 5 October
- EIOPA Consultation: Pan-European Personal Pension product - 5 October
- CPMI-IOSCO consultative report: UTI harmonisation - 30 September
- Strengthening the incentive to save: A consultation on pensions tax relief - 30 September
- FCA DP15/5: Smarter consumer communications - 25 September
- FCA Project Innovate: Call for input - 8 September
- PCAOB supplemental request for comment: Rules to require disclosure of certain audit participants on a new PCAOB form - 1 September
- FRC consultation on the Audit Firm Governance Code: A review of its implementation and operation - 27 August
- Work & Pensions Select Committee inquiry on Pension freedom guidance and advice - 27 August
- ESA consultation: Key Information Documents for PRIIPs - 17 August)
- EC consultation: OTC derivatives, central counterparties and trade repositories - 14 August
- EIOPA consultation: Identification and calibration of infrastructure investment risk categories - 9 August
- FRC DP: Quality of reporting by smaller listed and AIM quoted companies - 30 July
- FCA consultation: Investing in authorised funds through nominees (CP15/20) - 16 July
- ESMA consultation: No.4 - clearing obligation under EMIR - 15 July
- ESA consultation: Draft RTS - Risk mitigation for uncleared OTC derivative contracts - 10 July
- ESMA consultation: Draft guidelines for the assessment of knowledge and competence - 10 July
- HMT consultation on transposition of MiFID II - 19 June
- EBA Guidelines on limits on exposures to shadow banking entities - 19 June
- OECD follow up consultation on BEPS Action 6 (preventing treaty abuse) - 17 June
- OECD revised discussion draft on BEPS Action 7 (preventing the artificial avoidance of PE status) - 12 June
- EBA CP2015/03: Draft Guidelines on sound remuneration policies - 3 June
- FSB consultation on assessment methodologies - 29 May
- FCA DP15/3: Developing our approach to implementing MiFID II conduct of business and organisational requirements - 26 May
- EU Commission consultation on Capital Markets Union (CMU) - 13 May
- EU Commission consultation on Securitisation - 13 May
- EU Commission consultation on the Prospectus Directive - 13 May
- ESMA consultation: Operation of the buy-in regime - 6 May
- FCA CP15/08: Chapter 4 AIFMD Handbook Changes - 5 May
- Call for Evidence: Transaction Costs Disclosure: Improving Transparency in Workplace Pensions - 4 May
- Minimum alternative tax - 17 April
- ESMA Discussion Paper on the Share Classes of UCITS - 27 March
- FCA CP14/30: Improving complaints handling - 13 March
- ESMA Consultation on MiFID II / MiFIR - 3 March
- Technical Standards under the CSD Regulation - settlement discipline - 19 February
- Technical Advice under the CSD Regulation - penalties for settlement fails - 19 February
- Discussion paper on Key Information Documents for Packaged Retail and Insurance-based Investment Products (PRIIPs) - 18 February
- ESMA consultation on the technical standards on reporting under Article 9 of EMIR - 15 February
- NEST consultation on 'The future of retirement' - 13 February
- The Investment Association Position Paper: Meaningful disclosure of costs and charges - 10 February
- OECD's consultation on BEPS Action 4 (interest deductions and other financial payments) - 6 February
- The future evolution of the Investment Association sector classification system - 5 February
- HMRC consultation on Diverted Profits Tax - 4 February
- Fair and Effective Markets Review - 4 February
- FCA proposals on regulatory fees and levies for 2015/6 - 4 February
- FCA consultation on Retirement income market study: Interim Report - 30 January
- SII Tripartite Template - 14 January
- OECD consultation on BEPS Action 6 (preventing treaty abuse) - 12 January
- OECD consultation on BEPS Action 7 (preventing the artificial avoidance of PE status) - 12 January
- HMRC Consultation on changes to CTF and Junior ISA rules - 12 January
- CP14/24 Charges in workplace personal pension schemes - 30 December
- HMT consultation on including peer-to-peer loans within an ISA - 16 December
- DWP consultation on DC governance and the charge cap - 17 November
- DWP Command Paper: Better workplace pensions: Putting savers' interests first - 14 November
- IMA Submission on the Autumn Statement - 11 November
- Social media and customer communications: The FCA’s supervisory approach to financial promotions in social media - 6 November
- EU Questionnaire on Effects of Using IFRS in the EU - 6 November
- Scotland: The Smith Commission's work on the devolution of powers - 31 October
- Takeover Panel: Post offer undertakings and intentions statements - 24 Ocober
- FCA CP14/16: Proposed rules for independent governance committees - 14 October
- FCA Wholesale sector competition review - 9 October
- FCA GC14/3: Retail investment advice - Clarifying the boundaries and exploring the barriers to market development - 7 October
- European Commission proposals for a Revised Shareholder Rights Directive - 25 September
- FCA CP 14/11: Retirement reforms and the guidance guarantee - 22 September
- Removing the Transparency Directive’s requirement to publish interim management statements - 4 September
- Competition and Markets Authority consultation on the Draft Order on Audit Services - 28 August
- FCA CP14/8: Quarterly Consultation No. 5 - Chapter 7 - 6 August
- ESMA Consultation Paper on MiFIR/D - 1 August
- ESMA Discussion Paper on MiFIR/D - 1 August
- IASB ED 2014/1: Disclosure initiative proposed amendments - 25 July
- ESAs CP on draft Regulatory Technical Standards covering the risk-mitigation requirements for non-centrally cleared OTC derivatives - 14 July
- DCLG Consultation on Local Government Pension Scheme - 11 July
- Bank of England/ European Central Bank paper on Securitisation - 4 July
- Proposed Revisions to the UK Corporate Governance Code - 27 June 2014
- Freedom and choice in pensions - 11 June
- European Commission consultation on FX (Spot versus Forward) - 2 June
- Better workplace pensions: Further measures for savers - 29 May
- EBA draft guidelines on the remuneration benchmarking exercise - 1 May
- EBA draft guidelines on the data collection exercise regarding high earners - 1 May
- FRC FRED 54: Draft Amendments to FRS 102 - 30 April
- PRA consultation on application of clawback to vested variable remuneration - 28 April
- EBA paper on the impact on capital from the deduction of pension assets and IAS 19 - 11 April
- EBA paper on CRA 2 implementation - 10 April
- FCA CP14/4: Quarterly Consultation No. 4 - 8 April
- FSB/IOSCO consultation on NBNI G-SIFI - 7 April
- EBA draft guidelines on disclosure of encumbered and unencumbered assets - 24 March
- Banking Standards Review - 7 March
- FCA consultation on dealing commission rules - 25 February
- Representations for Budget Report 2014 - 13 February
- FCA consultation on short reports and other communications - 6 February
- ESMA Guidelines on ETFs and other UCITS issues - 30 January
- ESMA Discussion Paper on the Market Abuse Regulation - 27 January
- EU powers ‘Balance of Competences’ Review – Freedom of Services and Capital - 22 January
- Fiduciary duties of investment intermediaries - 22 January
- A Review of the Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting - 15 January
- FCA CP13/14: Regulatory Fees - 8 January
- EBA consultation on draft notional discount rate for bonuses and scope of Code staff - 17 December
- Joint ESA consultation on Mechanistic references to credit ratings - 12 December
- IAASB ED: Reporting on audited financial statements - 3 December
- Better workplace pensions: A consultation on charging - 28 November
- CRD IV: Reporting - 26 November
- CRD IV: Countercyclical capital buffers - 29 October
- European Banking Authority paper on draft Regulatory Technical Standards (RTS) - 25 October
- CRD IV - country by country reporting - 18 October
- FCA CP13/5: Review of the client assets regime for investment business - 18 October
- Recovery and resolution of non-bank financial institutions - 15 October
- Recovery of finncial market infrastructures - 10 October
- Banking Reform: Draft Secondary Legislation - 7 October
- FCA CP13/9: Quarterly Consultation No.2 - 4 October
- European Banking Authority paper on draft Regulatory Technical Standards (RTS) - 30 September
- FCA CP 13/06: Implementation of CRD IV - 30 September
- DCLG Call for Evidence on the Future Structure of the Local Government Pension Scheme - 27 September
- IASB Exposure Draft, 2013/6: Leases - 27 September
- DWP call for evidence: “Quality standards in workplace defined contribution pension schemes" - 18 September
- BIS DP: Transparency & Trust: Enhancing the Transparency of UK Company Ownership and Increasing Trust in UK Business - 16 September
- HMRC consultation on the taxation of corporate debt and derivative contracts - 2 September
- Competition Commission: Statutory Audit Services – provisional decisions on remedies - 23 August
- HMRC consultation on taxation of LLPs and other partnerships - 12 August
- European Banking Authority paper on draft Regulatory Technical Standards (RTS) - 12 August
- New regulations for securitisation under CRD IV - 12 August
- HMT consultation on allowing transfers of CTFs to Junior ISAs - 6 August
- OECD questions on exchange of information - 26 July
- IASB paper on Financial Instruments: Expected Credit Losses - 16 July
- Guidelines on reporting obligations under AIFMD - 1 July
- ECON consultation on Coherence of EU legislation - 20 June
- IASB Exposure Draft: Classification and Measurement: Limited Amendments to IFRS9 - 31 May 2013
- IOSCO consultation on Principles for Financial Benchmarks - 16 May
- FCA CP13/09: Implementation of the AIFMD - Part 2 - 10 May
- FRC’s consultation on its proposed revisions to ISA (UK and Ireland) 700 - 9 May
- FRC consultation on the Sharman Panel’s review - 28 April
- CIIA paper on Effective Internal Audit in the Financial Services Sector - 8 April
- Competition Commission Market Inquiry - Statutory Audit Services for Large Companies - 25 March
- ESMA call for evidence on evaluation of the Short Selling Regulation - 18 March
- BCBS-IOSCO consultation –collateral and margin for derivatives trades - 15 March
- Representations for Budget Report 2013 - 8 March
- FSA consultation on UK Tax Transparent Funds - 5 March
- HMRC consultation on Implementing the UK-US FATCA Agreement - 28 February
- HMT consultation on AIFMD - 27 February
- HMT review on competences between United Kingdom and European call for evidence - 22 February
- ESMA consultation on Principles for Financial Benchmarks - 15 February
- FSA CP13/1: FSCS Funding Model Review - 13 February
- IOSCO consultation on Financial Benchmarks - 11 February
- FSB observations on remuneration practices - 11 February
- Money Advice Service: Draft business plan - 11 February
- HMRC: Double Tax Treaty Network Review 2013/14 - 6 February
- FSA CP12/35: Temporary Product Intervention Rules - 4 February
- DWP: Supporting Automatic Enrolment - 28 January
- BIS: Kay Review - 25 January
- FSA CP12/36: The regulation and supervision of benchmarks - 16 January
- FSA CP12/25 : Enhancing the effectiveness of the Listing Regime - 9 January
- FSA CP12/28: Regulatory fees and levies - 8 January
Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy: National Security& Investment Bill: Mandatory Notification Regime - 22 December
HMRC: ISAs and Authorised Open-Ended Property - IA/AREF Joint Response - 11 December
Basel Committee on Banking Supervision: Principles for Operational Resilience - 6 November
FCA: CP 20/15 Liquidity mismatch in authorised open-ended property funds - 3 November
DWP: Improving outcomes for DC pension scheme members - 29 October
IOSCO: Use of AI & ML by asset managers - 26 October
HMT: Consultation on a new Economic Crime Levy - 13 October
IOSCO: Principles on Outsourcing - 1 October
FCA: CP20/3 Proposals to enhance climate related disclosures by listed issuers - 1 October
FCA: Guidance on Vulnerable Customers - 30 September
FCA: DP20/02 - A new UK prudential regime for MiFID investment firms - 25 September
FCA: Open Finance - 25 September
IIGCC: Net Zero Investment Framework - 25 September
FCA: CP20/09 - Driving value for money in pensions - 24 September
FCA: Operational Resilience - 24 September
Response to EBA consultations on the new Prudential Regime for Investment Firms - 4 September
- Final response to EBA/CP/2020/06
- Final response to EBA/CP/2020/07
- Final response to EBA/CP/2020/08
- Final response to EBA/CP/2020/09
ESAs: Joint Consultation on ESG Disclosure - 1 September
ESMA: Harmonisation of Leverage Limits under Article 25 AIFMD - 1 September
European Commission CP: AML Action Plan - 25 August
DWP: Call for evidence on the review of the DC default fund charge cap and standardised cost disclosure - 20 August
HMT: Consultation on updating the UK’s Prudential Regime before the end of the Transition Period - 19 August
EU CP: Renewed Sustainable Finance Strategy - 15 July
DCMS: Expansion of the dormant assets scheme
EC consultation on amendments to MiFID, UCITS & AIFMD Draft Delegated Acts- 6 July
- Amendments to Delegated Regulation (EU) No 2312013- AIFMD
- Amendments to the Delegated Regulation (EU) 2017_565
- Amendments to the Delegated Directive (EU) 2017_593
- Amendments to Directive 201043EU- UCITS
DWP Consultation: Aligning your pension scheme with TCFD - 2 July
EU CP: Non-Financial Reporting Directive - 11 June 2020
HMT: A Consultation on the Reform to Retail Prices Index Methodology - 15 May
OECD: BEPS Action 13 – Country by Country Reporting (CbCR) - 6 March
HMRC CP: Broadening Application of 5MLD to Trusts - 21 Feb
Representation for Spring Budget 2020 - 7 Feb
Standardisation of Reject Codes in FX Trading - 5 Feb
ESAs Joint Consultation Paper concerning amendments to the PRIIP KID - 13 Jan